Taking on the legendary 72oz steak challenge at Marshall Steakhouse in Holly Springs, Mississippi! This iconic challenge once bested @RandySantel and we both showed back up to get some revenge! Hungry diners have 1 hour to finish a 72oz plate of sirloin steaks, a giant loaded baked potato, fried shrimp, a dinner salad, and 2 rolls. Winners of this now defunct challenge could earn their meal for free, a groovy hat, and a spot up on the Marshall Steakhouse Wall of Fame!
Randy’s Loss: https://youtu.be/C97j8KvVIcE?si=_5CITwrW2OXcvcrs
/>Randy’s Second Attempt: https://youtu.be/kW6FKmF6VIU?si=9wqFAlFVC_FRyDcE
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/katinaeatskilos
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/katinaeatskilos/
WEBSITE: https://www.katinaeatskilos.com
About Me:
I’m a 5’2 former women’s physique bodybuilder on a mission to sample delicious foods from around the world! I tackle restaurant challenges, sample new food menus, and explore the unique eats in various cities. To balance out the calorie intake of weekly food challenges, I continue to pursue my love of fitness through bodybuilding, running, and spinning.
**How do you not get fat?**
Please check out my “Daily Diet” Playlist Here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcjzJq-PMUB7ovX5rYVzA1GITfvCtq3P3
**Why do you shake so much?**
I have a genetic condition known as “non-essential tremors”. That in combination with nerves, being hungry with lowered blood sugar, and a deep and profound love affair with caffeine, makes for a rather jittery start to a challenge.
**Are you and Randy married?**
No, not yet! We got engaged on December 1, 2024 though and are excited for the future!