This was filmed over a year ago. I was not sure if I would share this, but when reviewing the footage it was too fun not to.
I think this will be a new fishery moving forward. For average guys like me….I’m not sure how this will go honestly. I don’t have the time or money to fish from April to January on a twin diesel boat any time the weather is half decent. In my opinion to compete in this fishery and produce regularly; you need a big boat….big pockets……all the time off you need……and then some really good rigging!!! I don’t even get a sick day let alone a vacation day. If i’m not at work on my scheduled day…….FIRED!!!!!

I don’t think i fit any of the aforementioned bullets. So I’ll put my boat away end of December and try for some old guy surf trips.

I love you all. God bless. More fun vids comoing soon

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