A new intrusion of magma is ongoing at a spot in the world which has not seen any volcanic activity for millions of years. This has caused new hot springs, warm patches of soil, and steaming patches of ground to appear in an area completely devoid of recent volcanic activity. This is occurring on the island of Borneo, and while its appearance is not yet deemed concerning, it may have implications for our understanding of the region’s tectonic setting.
Thumbnail Photo Credit: Frame grab from a video by Brett Carr, U.S. Geological Survey, Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, Public Domain, https://www.usgs.gov/media/videos/halemaumau-lava-lake-kilauea-summit-september-30-2021.
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[1] PVMBG (Indonesia) (Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi) (Indonesia)
[2] U.S. Geological Survey
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0:00 Intrusion of Magma
1:10 Cross Section
2:03 Borneo Geology
2:27 Hydrocarbons
3:15 Zone of Melting?