David Attenborough expolores the more dangerous side of plants as he meets a carniverous plant and discovers horrifying MUMMIFIED aphids!

Aphid mummies indicate the presence of tiny parasitic wasps that lay eggs inside the aphids. The wasp larva hatches and feeds inside the aphid, killing it. The skin of dead aphids turns crusty and golden brown or black, a form called a mummy. Not long after, the adult wasp chews an exit hole and emerges from the aphid’s body. During warm weather, parasitic wasps may have several generations and cause a rapid decline in aphid populations.

From Kingdom of Plants Season 1 Episode 3, “Solving the Secrets”: this series, narrated and presented by Sir David Attenborough, documents the world of plants, from the strangest to the most beautiful. Plus, a look at how plants change their biology to adapt to the changing seasons, and ensure their survival.

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