Learn Calisthenics skills faster : https://www.andrystrong.online/join-the-strong-academy

I crossed half the world to challenge American gymnasts Ian Gunther and Riley Loos. Let’s see if they can perform calisthenics skills or not!

❗️If you want to unlock Calisthenics Skills faster and with proper technique, I’ve created a UNIQUE training system tailored to different levels. And for the next 24 hours only, you can join with a 25% discount on the subscription.

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Start your transformation today and make this year your strongest yet!

Gymnasts :
Ian Gunther @iangunther https://www.instagram.com/iandgunther?igsh=ZHJjam9iNTJxZWR3

Riley Loos @rileyloos37 https://www.instagram.com/rileyloos?igsh=MXFucGZycjFxZG1tMQ==

Panteley Kolodii https://www.instagram.com/panteleykolodii?igsh=cTdtZ3Y4enVmc25h

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