Some games don’t just respawn us, they keep us canonically immortal with advanced gadgets and/or science magic. However many pieces our character gets exploded into, they get reassembled by the following tech. Subscribe for more!
Watch out for spoilers from the featured games: Bioshock Infinite, Destiny, Borderlands 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, Assassin’s Creed, Elite Dangerous, Portal 2, Sunset Overdrive.
In Destiny, for instance, the job of your hovering robotic Ghost is to resurrect you every time you get shot to bits by the Forces of Darkness. Not to mention every time you fall off the Tower because you’re trying to dance on a sticky out bit.
Science has also conquered death in Borderlands 2 and no-one need ever die again – at least, not if their DNA is on file with the network of New-U stations installed around Pandora and they have the cash to pay to have a new body digitally fabricated in one of them when they get obliterated in the line of vault-hunting duty.
Or how about the Animus of Assassin’s Creed: a fancy couch that simulates an exact recreation of some assassin’s genetic memories, in which doing things that didn’t really happen (such as dying) causes the memory to ‘desynchronise’, popping you back to life in a more historically accurate state.
Those were the ways videogames ensured we stayed technically alive, despite us dying harder than a Kinect joke at the Microsoft Christmas party. Got any other immortality gizmos we missed? Let us know in the comments.
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