Send this to the person you want to grow old with ❤️

In the documentary Live to 100, a doctor in Okinawa shares his experience of doing regular visits for people who are over 100 years old. 👵

After checking on their physical and mental condition, guess what’s the next question he always asks his patients?
It’s this— ‘What’s your ikigai?’ 💭💡

The doctor even says that if these older people lose their ikigai, they might die.

‘Ikigai’ may seem like a heavy, grand word (or perhaps even a modern buzzword that’s often thrown around lightly), but in simple terms, your ikigai is your purpose. 🌟
Your reason for waking up every morning. 🌅
Your inner calling. ✨
Your reason for being. 💖

Having an ikigai is considered to be one of the most powerful factors responsible for their long and healthy life. 💪💚

Discover how to find your ikigai in The Satvic Revolution. There’s a chapter dedicated just to this! 📖🌿 Order now—link in the comments!

#Ikigai #LiveTo100 #PurposefulLiving #SatvicLifestyle #HealthyLiving #MindfulLiving #NaturalHealing #WellnessJourney #HealthyMindHealthyBody #bluezones #purposedrivenlife

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