Sport has gotten less brutally violent over the course of history, with the gladiatorial combat of Ancient Rome giving way to gentler pursuits. But if the futures foreseen by these sci-fi games are to be believed, gruesome spectacle is set for a roaring comeback. Subscribe for weekly videos like this:

The bloodthirsty populations of these future dystopias can’t get enough of the deadly spectator sports in the video above, which make the Hunger Games look like lawn croquet.

Take Carmageddon’s racing, Cyberball, Unreal Tournament or 1994’s Brutal Sports Football. The latter is basically rugby, if rugby encouraged decapitations and was played exclusively by elderly, bearded, steroid-abusing men.

Or there’s the sport of Speedball, which is a futuristic hybrid of handball and ice hockey, but with metal armour and point rewards for injuring the opposing players.

The first league will be founded in 2095, prophesizes the 1988 Amiga game, and will include teams with names such as Turbo Hammers, Brutal Deluxe and personal favourite the Explosive Lords.

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